Going native

Native plants provide a wide variety of environmental benefits. I encourage followers of this site to consider substituting native trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals with species native to the Mid-Atlantic region. Over the years we’ve planted dozens these species in our yard and enjoy the benefits of a wide range of wildlife.

While it’s hard to deny the beauty of many non-natives (especially the spring bulbs!), at least, refrain from planting and cultivating invasive species and remove them from your yards.

Resources and information about desirable and undesirable species appear below.


Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Pollinator List

Xerces Society Plant List

NWF Native Plant Finder – search for plants by zip code

Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center – search by region, sun/exposure, soil, moisture

Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping – a “go to” publication!

Blogs & Websites

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center – links to further information on sources, regions, invasives, and more

Center for Humans and Nature (Doug Tallamy)